


king off for Costa Rica。 I was so excited and everything was going so well。 But then—”

Blair paused as a cute trio of twentysomething guys approached。 They stood at a distance of a few feet; shuffling nervously。 Guys always approached Blair and Serena whenever they were together; and of course it was flattering。 But right now; Blair wasn’t really in the mood。

“Are you Serena van der Woodsen?” a lanky blond guy asked in a British accent。

“I am。” Serena smiled; displaying her perfect white teeth。

“I knew it was her!” his red…haired friend exclaimed。 “Mind if I take a picture?” he pleaded; already removing a tiny Nikon digital camera from his khakis pocket。

“Only if my best friend is in it; too;” Serena said sweetly。 She threw her arms around Blair’s shoulders and stuck out her tongue。 Of course she still looked beautiful。

“Thanks; Serena!” the guys chorused as they walked away; crowding around the guy with the camera so they could check out the picture。

“How annoying;” Blair grumbled。

“It’s not so bad。 It happens a lot; ever since Breakfast at Fred’s opened。 It’s kind of cute。” Serena shrugged。 “So; anyway。 You were saying。 About your boyfriend?”

“He’s great;” Blair said quickly; taking another sip of coffee。 Suddenly; she didn’t want to tell Serena about what happened in Vermont。 After all; Serena was an internationally worshipped movie star。 How could she possibly understand? “It’s amazing。 A real relationship。 Nothing like high school;” Blair added。 “We’re thinking of moving in together for spring semester。”

“You must really love Yale;” Serena said wistfully。 She’d chosen not to go to Yale with Blair; and mostly; she was happy with that decision。 But it was a little hard to hear about Blair’s perfect college life knowing she could have been right there with her。

“I do love it。 It’s just so nice to be surrounded by interesting people who care about what’s going on in the world。 It’s just so collegiate; you know?” Blair said; still thinking about the British guys。 Weren’t they a little old to be asking for autographs?

An awkward silence fell over them。 “Chuck’s having his New Year’s Eve party tonight;” Serena said finally。 She wanted to tell Blair how lonely she’d been in New York without her; but it sounded like Blair was having the time of her life at Yale。 She probably thought Serena’s life was pathetic。 “I have to stop by another party first; but maybe we can meet up there later?” she asked hopefully。 For all she knew; Blair had dozens of New Year’s Eve parties to attend with her Yale friends who lived in the city。

“I guess I could stop by;” Blair allowed。 It would be fun to see the old crowd。 Especially with Serena at her side。 Every year at Chuck’s party; they’d drink far too much champagne and wind up in the hot tub at ungodly hours of the morning。 “Just like old times;” she added under her breath。 Just then; a cute guy jogging past the steps did a double take when he spotted Serena。

“I’m freezing;” Blair announced; standing up and stamping out her cigarette。 “Let’s go。” She quickly crossed the street; and Serena had to run to keep up with her。

The more things change; the more they stay the same。

hey people!

I was at EAT on Madison getting my usual half…caf double cap when I was asked the question。 You know the one。 I should be used to it by now; but it catches me by surprise every time。 And no; I’m not talking about where I get my highlights or who makes my boots or why I look so familiar。 I’m talking about the ever popular “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”

Yes; it’s annoying。 And yes; it’s kind of a personal question。 But I for one think you should reveal your resolutions to the world。 After all; it’s the one time of the year you can publicly declare you’ll no longer try to pull off Forever 21 as vintage; you’ll no longer run back to a loser ex; you’ll no longer head to the gym just for a wheatgrass smoothie。 The point is; if you want to change your life; you’ve got to let people know so they can hold you accountable。 And the best place to announce your intentions? The most fabulous New Year’s Eve party you can find!

live it up

It’s all the debauchery of a costume party minus the awkward outfits; the anything…can…happen fun of Fourth of July without the sunburn; and the revelry of St。 Patrick’s Day without the green beer。 It’s the night to wear your pink Vena Cava zip…up dress and flirt with your friend’s older brother。 It’s time to grab someone and kiss them; hard; until everyone stops blowing those annoying party horns。 And; if a certain bad boy from the past is hosting a party in his parents’ exclusive downtown hotel suite; it’s the perfect setting for whatever you want to happen—decadent or demure。


S and three A…named (if not A…listed) actresses at The Standard。 And Waverly Inn。 And Rose Bar。 Do those girls ever get tired? D climbing into an ancient brown van double…parked on Broadway and Ninety…ninth; followed by his dad; V waving them both off from the curb。 C heading to the Tribeca Star with four or five cowboys and several handles of vodka。 And this in from Palm Beach: a glittering…green eyed boy who looks mysteriously like the long…lost N; getting on a plane bound for JFK。 Hellooooooo; sailor!

the great reunion

I admit it: I thought a certain Ivy League brunette might have forsaken her hometown for warmer climes。 But after a change in vacation plans left her temporarily stranded on the East Coast; B is back。 She was last seen smoking Gauloises on the steps of the Met with a certain blond beauty who could only be S。 And my sources say they were making New Year’s Eve plans。 Just like old times! Now the big question is: Who will S and B be kissing at midnight?

your e…mail

q: Hey G;

An idea: You; me; and a bottle of Dom。 We can watch the ball drop and create our own fireworks。 Thoughts?


a: Dear Mack;

Unfortunately; I already have some more heavily populated parties to attend。 But; hey; look on the bright side: More Dom for you!

砂隐村的守鹤老师  飘渺之旅(1)  女王的裙摆~  九界前传  守护甜心之心梦微凉  老板,笑一个  梦华传说  遇女心惊  校花古游记  混沌轮回决  轩辕·绝  跨界内娱顶流歌手  混沌修真诀  封神天子  天灾末世,我靠囤货建世外桃源  涿鹿·炎的最后王孙  早安,幽灵小姐  霸绝天  第一名男友  洪荒凌霄录  


















白天,她是霍云霆的首席秘书。  他时刻遵守,有事秘书做,没事‘做’秘书。  晚上,她是霍云霆的合法妻子,任他招之即来挥之即去。  只要他想,就可以为所欲为。  因为赎罪,陆朝阳默默承受着,谁让自己的母亲做了小三,逼疯正妻,嫁入豪门。  这笔债,霍云霆讨上了门。  用你的身体帮她还债,一天一次。  她别无选择。  如果你实在没过瘾,我们可以离婚然后再结,我向你保证,不管结多少次婚,我每一次的新娘都会是你,老婆,是不是很感动?  陆朝阳每每在午夜梦回时惊醒,总会记起男人吻在她耳侧时留下的承诺。  感动?  不可能!  霍云霆,他是个彻头彻尾的恶魔!...
