


smell something 。 。 。illegal? You know; I was a teenager once; too?not so long ago!?

Nate was still waving his hands frantically when Babs emerged from the top of the stairs。 A sly

smile spread across her wrinkled; slightly sun…burnished face。 Her dyedred hair was pulled back in

a sloppy ponytail。 A halo of auburn frizz puffed out around her forehead。

?There you are。? Babs sighed。 ?Didn?t you hear me calling for you??

Nate shook his head; suddenly very concerned about how stoned he was。

?Well;? she continued; strolling toward him; past the piles of cardboard boxes and all the old toys

and junk that she and the coach had stored up there。 ?You know what my husband said: while he?s

out of town; you?remine。 ?

?Y…y…yeah;? stammered Nate。 Coach was away at some lacrosse conference in Maryland for the

week; probably learning new techniques in torturing high school boys。 Nate was suddenly

panicked he hadn?t pletely put out the joint。 Were his pants going to catch fire?


?The thing is; Nate;? Babs went on; idly tracing the handle…bars of a rusted Schwinn bike that

was hanging from the ceiling; ?I need a hand。 Do me a little favor; will you??

??Course。? he nodded。 ?That?s what I?m here for。?

?Well; this particular favor might be outside of your regular job description;? she admitted。 ?But

if you?d be so kind as to help me out; maybe I won?t mention anything about the fact that my attic

smells like a Grateful Dead concert。 What do you say??

What can you say to blackmail?

?I?m 。 。 。 I?m sorry;? Nate stumbled。 ?It won?t happen again。?

Babs laughed。 ?You can?t possibly expect me to believe that。? She smiled; pushing past the

upside…down bike toward Nate; who was still hunched by the window。 ?But never mind。 I need a

hand; and you?ve got two。? She took his now…callused hands in hers; examining them。 ?Two very

capable; strong hands。?

Nate wondered if he shouldn?t warn Coach that his kids might not look like him for a reason:

Babs had probably bagged every grocery boy who?d bagged her groceries!

?What can I do for you?? he asked; trying to sound cheerfully polite; although he heard his voice

warble in pure stoned terror。

Babs dropped his hands and undid the top button on her pink cotton shirt。 ?I decided to get a little

surprise for the coach。? She undid another button。

?I see;? Nate replied evenly。 And he did see: some very impressive cleavage; and nary a tan line;

thanks to her after…noon regimen of topless sunbathing。


?I decided to get a little tattoo。? She giggled; undoing the last button on her shirt and letting it

slide off her shoulders and onto the floor。 ?Just a little something for the coach to discover when

he gets home。?

?Great。? He nodded。Eye contact; eye contact; eye contact。

?But I?ve got to take special care of it;? she whispered huskily; turning her back to Nate to reveal

a tiny tattoo of a butterfly; its green wings spread across the burnished leather of her lower

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