


want and to want it badly enough so that it will stay in your thoughts。

And unless you really want to get rich; so that the desire is strong enough to hold your thoughts directed to the purpose as the magnetic pole holds the needle of the pass。

The more clear and definite you make your picture then; and the more you dwell upon it; bringing out all its delightful details; the stronger your desire will be。 And the stronger your desire; the easier it will be to hold your mind fixed upon the picture of what you want。

Something more is necessary; however; than merely to see the picture clearly。 If that is all you do; you are only a dreamer; and will have little or no power for acplishment。 Behind your clear vision must be the purpose to realize it; to bring it out in tangible2 expression。 And behind this purpose must be an invincible and unwavering faith that the thing is already yours; that it is “at hand” and you have only to take possession of it。

See the things you want as if they were actually around you all the time。 See yourself as owning and using them。

Dwell upon your mental picture until it is clear and distinct; and then take the mental attitude of ownership toward everything in that picture。 Hold to this mental ownership。 Do not waive for an instant in the faith that it is real。

Once you have clearly formed your vision; the whole matter turns on receiving。 When you have formed it; it is well to make an oral statement; addressing the supreme in gratitude。 Then; from that moment on you must; in mind; receive what you ask for。 Live in the new house; wear the fine clothes; ride in the automobile; go on the journey; and confidently plan for greater journeys。 Think and speak of all the things you have asked for in terms of actual present ownership。 Imagine an environment and a financial condition exactly as you want them; and live all the time in that mental environment and financial condition until they take physical shape。

Mind; however; that you do not do this as a mere dreamer and castle builder。 Hold to the faith that the imaginary is being realized and to your purpose to realize it。 Remember that it is faith and purpose in the use of the imagination which make the difference between the scientist and the dreamer。

And having learned this fact; it is here that you must learn the proper use of the will。

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■ 心灵小语


Go Easy and Enjoy Yourself in Harmony


To go on a journey is often worrisome; but so long as one lives he proceeds on his life’s journey。 Different people go along differently。 Some take hasty steps in anxiety。 Obsessed with reaching the next goal in time; they spare no time for sight…seeing along the way; nor do they have a clear view where their long roads end。 Others travel leisurely like tourists。 They would take time off now and then for a look at blooming flowers or fallen petals。 They would stop to admire clouds gathering and dispersing。 Even when they go against the wind or are caught in the rain; they never get annoyed; for worries slip off their minds as if from an open net。

Cramped is one’s workplace。 Narrow is one’s residence and small is the social circle one moves about—such limitedness in space entail lack of variety which is the source of some people’s ; though larger than the ocean is the sky; even larger is the human mind; for in it imagination would e and go on the wing without limitations。

One may eventually win what he has set his mind to; only to find that he has lost quite a lot。 Perhaps what he loses is even better than what he gains。

On one’s journey of life some people hurry on with a heavy heart in pursuit of fame and wealth while others go easy and enjoy themselves in harmony with nature。



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喜欢养成游戏吗?想要自养另一半吗?想要养一个世界只有你的人吗?不论是软妹子,软汉子,糙汉子,超男神,只要你敢想,就能创造。不想创造你的十全十美吗?那么请打开男神养成游戏,来养一个苹果吧,来创造一个你所爱着的男神吧。热((((苏奕就是被这么一条消息所吸引,怀着一颗超级小(((心进入了男神养成游戏。作为资深养成游戏玩家,苏奕表示养成游戏毫无难度。玩过之后才明白,这游戏有点不一样。你见过黑化值和白化值的游戏吗?你见过稍微不注意就给自己加点的养成对象吗?你见过两种相对属性完全融合的养成对象吗?当温柔忠犬被养成了腹黑妖孽美人养成洁癖可爱受,当黑化与圣母并存苏奕╯‵□′╯︵┻━┻系统告诉我,你是不是看上我了!系统╮ ̄▽ ̄╭才发现吗亲爱的玩家,先在开启新攻略对象,新攻略对象系统。玩家加油哦!苏奕我要去一个人静一静!苏奕不管我有多平凡,不管你们陪伴我的时间如何短暂,不管这是不是一个游戏,不管我最后是不是养歪了你们,对你们的爱不掺杂一点虚假。日更,时间暂定下午两点左右,字数暂定4000每章。╮ ̄▽ ̄╭估计会走肥章的道路,字数看剧情。来自作者的友情提示1会有全民坑谨慎。日更。2本书饱含温柔黑化攻,洁癖攻,妖孽萌攻,非人类攻等。1你问我为什么这么多攻结尾1了不就知道了吗。3本文梗来自于箱娘游戏,如有出入请勿探究。4重点必看作者文笔渣,慎入。5这篇文的脑洞会十分曲折,慎入。小天使点击传送门↓↓渣作者完结文...









