


didn’t the place of my home ;I knew the famous DONG WINE beside me home 。when I got home ;I found that afan was also returned 。 I asked how he came back 。he told me that it was the truck people sent him home ; he still thought I was in the truck then 。


Another time ;I together with my father went to climb mountain ;it was very steep 。the road was very tough ;we were so exaugsted 。there lived some farmers there 。we asked some water from them 。there were so many fruits ;apples ;pears 。but they were green then 。 I had never thought there were so many fruits and vegetables planted by the old farmers。


After over the mountain ;we saw a lake in front of us 。the water was as clean as crystal that we could see the bottom of it 。this was an unpolluted area near here 。we reluctant to wash our faces in it 。


We got to the THE RED ARMY mountain ;the martyr memorial park。 There were more than 1000 steps to get to the top of it 。looking up at the old men in front of us ;we exceed our speed 。eventually ;we made it 。there was a huge monument of workers and farmers 。on the top stand the symbol ; the sickle and hammer,both of them are made of gold and brass。 The surrounding wall was carved the processing picture of long match ;for example ;the struggle to cross the DADU river。


Inside ;there is a room ;this is data room ;chairman mao ever preside a meeting here 。down ;stands a statue of an old solider feeding medicine to the young 。there is a tale that if anyone who touched the feet of the old solider would go into fortune 。so the feet of the old solider is always shine 。surround; planted a lot of green pine trees and bamboos ;symboling the immortality of the soliders who ever saved us 。


We got to the phoenix mountain and there was a zoo 。in it there was tigers; lions ;snakes and so on 。 but the most famous is the pure water here 。we struggle to the top of it and to the side of the pure water well 。the water is really cool and a good tasty and make us feel fresh I can’t help carrying some water in my pot ;we drank enough and get down 。


We reached to chongqin 。we sensed the hospitablity ;the frankness and direct…said of the people 。they speak with no more words except the point 。and there was BANGBANG crowd ;which make a beautiful scene of the city 。in the mountainous city ;where you go ;you will ups and downs 。the citizens is very friendly 。they are ready to facilitate you if possible 。and the underground Market is full of kinds of merchandise ;the big ocean shrimps and the turtles 。


But it was not long before I went home to receive education ;and my fabulous childhood。。 最好的txt下载网

乡 村 童 趣

乡 村 童 趣

Fabulous Country childhood


Today ;in the midday ;I had a nap and dream a dream about my country ;my childhood 。so clear the picture is ;and I clearly sense I am home ;those familiar and lovely faces of my young partners ;my sister juan ;ke ;jiang ;guang 。they appeared in my dream one after another 。and my uncle and aunty 。


I am listening to the lecture in the lecture hall ;when I turn around ;I found a familiar face ;and recognize it is my uncle 。and he asked about my college life 。 I introduced the teacher in the hall giving lecture。 He said today is guang ;his son’s birthday 。 so I didn’t how I went back to my country like a dream through the time passage 。 I arrived at my primary school ;the building is always the same with it before and there are two ponds beside it 。 I didn’t how I got into them but I found another familiar FACE ;it was ying ;and jiang ;and I found my sister’s back shadow 。 I didn’t know where to go ;so I asked my sister for advice 。she wanted to go to my grandma’s ;but I just want to go to my uncle’s because there is a lot tele program there 。but I then didn’t know how to get in the dinner with my aunty and guang 。aunty said she invited my grandparents to e to dinner 。 I feel terribly joyful 。


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婚床上,他轻啄着她红透耳沿低喃要求,翻云覆雨中她几次频临崩溃,第二天一醒来面对大床上的空荡,她自己上班路上买了避孕药。  旷世婚礼,无关情爱。    他是高高在上的大总裁,霸道强势,不可一世。  她是被逼上梁山的小鸟,外表柔弱,楚楚动人。  婆家千阻万挠,为利益她睁一只眼闭一只眼,受不了就以牙还牙。  每晚床上的默契配合,一切都在掌控。    然,某天会议室里夫妻俩突然谈不拢大打出手,最终分道扬镳。  城里流言四起,传闻那天会议室里血肉模糊,傅太太因出轨被傅家赶出门。  所谓宠爱,也不过就是床笫之间。  尽管他开始回过头找她,受尽白眼,她发誓一辈子不再回头。  只是那天夜里翻来覆去的睡不着,终是吐晕在厕所里的时候。  她像是得了一场病,一场叫做傅赫的病。    我来送两瓶酒,祝你往后过的快活。他说。  我不喝酒了,谢谢你的祝福。她说。  他走上前,抬手捏住她柔若无骨的下巴不给面子?  你以后都不要来了,我怀了别人的孩子。  是吗?孩子爹是哪个狗杂种?嗯?  傅太太缓缓地抬眸  (真婚真爱,真宠真疼。)...












