


the wordVogue printed on it; and her brown hair was cut in a short bob with thick;

bronze…highlighted bangs。 She continued to type。Note: Ask Jed where the film came from。

Vanessa considered nudging her gently and saying; ?I made it;? but she decided it would be more

fun to stay quiet and see what happened。 Maybe someone would detest the film and make a big

stink about it and Vanessa would bee known as the infamous filmmaker whose bitterly honest

portrayal of New York had been a real downer at Fashion Week。 She wondered how Dan was

doing at the Better Than Naked show。 She imagined him asking that hot new Brazilian

super…model?Anike; or whatever her name was?for a light without even knowing who she was。

That was the thing Vanessa most loved about Dan; his divine innocence。

The film came to the part where she?d filmed two old men wearing matching red…and…black plaid

wool jackets and black wool caps playing chess in Washington Square Park。 One guy?s head

bobbed against his chest; his burning cigar perched precariously on his sagging lower lip as he

began to fall asleep。 The other guy snapped his fingers to make sure his partner was asleep before

moving the chess pieces around and nudging his sleeping friend awake again。

Inside Highway 1 the sounds of the storm faded and boisterous big…band music began to play。 A

giant cardboard boat was hauled onto the stage by muscular male models pulling thick white ropes

and wearing only simple navy blue briefs。 The boat came to a stop and the gangplank was lowered。

Out came the models; two at a time?there must have been a hundred of them; and how had they all

fit into that boat??all dressed in navy blue satin bra…and…panty sets; with white fish…net

over…the…knee stockings; white elbow…length gloves and white suede over…the…knee boots。 After

marching down the gangplank with military…style efficiency they began a plicated dance that

looked like a cross between air traffic control and water ballet。 Suddenly the neat rows of

gesticulating models parted to reveal a dapper dude with curly; shoulder…length red hair; wearing a

white three…piece suit; carrying a jewel…encrusted gold cane; andtap…dancing 。

No joke。

Red curls bouncing; he tap…danced right up to the end of the runway; stopped on a dime; and

began to applaud the audience。 Behind him the models stood on one leg; with the other knee

raised high; like flamingos; applauding; too。 Then the music stopped and the audience went wild。

The redhead had to be Jedediah Angel; Vanessa decided; and he was standing directly in front of

her。 He took a deep bow; looking a bit like the Wizard of Oz in his tight white suit。 Suddenly he

pointed at her and began to whoop and clap; motioning for her to stand up。 Vanessa shook her

head; alarmed; but Jedediah Angel kept on beckoning to her。 ?Stand up; baby! Standup !?

The crowd was going crazy now。 They didn?t even know who the hell Vanessa was; but if

Jedediah Angel wanted her to bow; she must besomebody 。 Giving in; Vanessa stood up; her face

burning with embarrassment and her shoulders shaking in an uncharacteristically nervous fit of the

种田了,我把家乡打造成养生圣地  酒儿娘子  每次开门都到了案发现场  积德行善方能千秋百代  圣蛊  重生七零新婚夜,糙汉老公勾我心魂  重生小智有系统  心间融化  我,黑暗迪迦,开局沉睡三千万年  年代文后妈改嫁后暴富了  女穿男后我靠修仙逆袭男主  欲染玫瑰,京圈大佬一次成瘾  愿为碎碎花  夏初见易楠平是什么小说  卡美洛领主  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  救命,和超禁欲剑修互换身体了  种田仙女成仙记  全球高温,囤积物资末世求生  和离后与前夫重生了  


















