


Thus Lu Bu was baited till his bosom was near bursting with rage。 The same tactics continued for several days。 He could neither strike his enemies nor escape them。 His troops had no rest。

In the midst of these distracting maneuver; a messenger rode up in hot haste to report: 〃The capital is in imminent danger from a double attack of Fan Chou and Zhang Ji。〃

Lu Bu at once ordered a march to save the capital; which became a rout when both his opponents Li Jue and Guo Si came in pursuit。 His loss was heavy。

He soon reached Changan and found the rebels there in enormous numbers and the city quite surrounded。 Lu Bus attack had but little effect; and as his temper became more savage under defeat; many of his soldiers went over to the rebels。

He fell into deep melancholy。 Then a remnant of Dong Zhuos adherents still in the city; led by Li Meng and Wang Fang; began to lend aid to the attackers; and by and by they secretly opened the city gate and the besiegers poured in。 Lu Bu exerted himself to the utmost but could not stem the tide。 At the head of some hundred horse; he dashed over to the Black Lock Gate and called out to Wang Yun; who was on the other side。

〃The case is desperate now。 Ride with me to a place of safety!〃

Wang Yun replied; 〃If I am gifted with the holy spirit of the state; I shall succeed in restoring the tranquillity which I desire。 But if I have it not; then I offer my body a sacrifice。 I will not quail before dangers。 Send my thanks to the noble supporters beyond the Pass for their efforts; and bid them remember their country!〃

Lu Bu urged Wang Yun again and again; but Wang Yun would not leave。 Soon flames started up all over the city; and Lu Bu had to leave; abandoning his family to their fate。 He fled to seek refuge with Yuan Shu。

Li Jue; Guo Si; and his fellow leaders gave full license to their ruffians; who robbed and murdered their fill。 Many high officers perished。 Ministers Chong Fu; Lu Kui; and Zhou Huan; Imperial manders Cui Lie and Wang Qin all died in the fighting。

In time the rebels penetrated to the inner part of the Palace; and the courtiers begged the Emperor to proceed to the Gate of Pervading Peace to try to quell the rioting。

At sight of the yellow umbrella; Li Jue and Fan Chou checked their armies; and they all shouted; 〃Wan shui! Long life! O Emperor!〃

The Emperor stood by the tower and addressed them; 〃Nobles; what means it that you enter the capital in this unruly manner and without my summons?〃

The two leaders looked up and said; 〃Dong Zhuo; Your Majestys Prime Minister; has been slain by Wang Yun; and we are here to avenge him。 We are no rebels; Sire。 Let us only have Wang Yun; and we draw off our troops。〃

Wang Yun was actually among the courtiers and at the Emperors side。

Hearing this demand; Wang Yun said; 〃The plan was made for the benefit of the Throne。 But as this evil has grown therefrom; Your Majesty will not grudge losing me。 I have brought about evil; and I will go down to these rebels。〃

The Emperor was torn with sorrow and wavered。 But the faithful minister leaped from the wall; crying; 〃Wang Yun is here!〃

The two leaders drew their swords; crying; 〃For what crime was our master slain?〃

〃His crimes filled the heavens and covered the earth; no tongue can tell them。 The day he died was a day of rejoicing in the whole city as you well know;〃 said Wang Yun。

〃And if he was guilty of some crime; what had we done not to be forgiven?〃

〃Seditious rebels; why bandy words? I am ready to die。〃

And Wang Yun was slain at the foot of the tower。

Moved by the peoples sufferings;

Vexed at his princes grief;

Wang Yun passed the traitors death;

That they might find relief。

Everyone knows him a hero;

Leal to the state always:

Living he guarded the princely towers;

His soul keeps guard today。

Having done the loyal minister to death at the Emperors feet; they proceeded to exterminate also his whole family。 Everyone mourned。

Then said the ruffians to each other; 〃Having gone so far; what could be better than to make away with the Emperor and plete our scheme?〃

The traitor condoned his crime;

Rebellion ought to cease;

But his licentious followers

Disturb the empires peace。

The fate of the Emperor will be disclosed in the next chapter。

昊乾传  都市危情  野人凶猛  诸天:从四合院开始黑化  炒股就是炒心态  笔下升官  神世轮  从世界杯看世界:足球是圆的?  血夜爱上猫  天赋少年泣血闯仙路  韩综:从卧底新世界开始  官场春秋  看守魔女们的典狱长  断剑亦可破苍天  南方·爱  地球online  恋综:守岛人,开局白露倒追  重生之为我而狂  重金属外壳  三国职场人生  






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