


so it wasn?t hard to figure out。 Then she crumpled the receipt into a tight little ball and walked

past the skinny blond boy; tossing the balled…up receipt hard at his back and spinning through the

revolving doors before he had a chance to see who she was。

Blair Waldorf making an effort to do something nice for someone else? Talk about a makeover!

This was more than just a Jiffy Lube change of hairstyle。 Like a true diva; she was going for the

entire weekend spa package; including the spiritual overhaul。

as if he didn?t have it good enough already

Just as Aaron had suspected; there was a cream…colored envelope from Harvard waiting for him

beside the Spode china milk jug of white roses on the side table in the foyer of his father and

stepmother?s East Seventy…second Street penthouse apartment。 Aaron let an extremely thirsty

Mookie tear down the hall to the kitchen with his leash still on and picked up the letter with rigid

fingers。 Serena was waiting expectantly behind him; but he would really rather have opened it

alone。What if he didn?t get in?

Serena slipped out of her coat and tossed it on the blue toile?upholstered chair in the corner。 ?I?ll

still love you no matter what;? she said breathlessly。

Aaron stared down at the envelope; annoyed at himself for feeling so tense。 He was usually

pretty mellow about this kind of thing。 ?Fuck it;? he declared under his breath and tore open the

sealed envelope。 He unfolded the neatly creased cream…colored piece of paper and read the short

paragraph typed on it; twice。 Then he looked up at Serena。 ?Uh…oh。?

Her face fell。 What a horrible thing for her sweet love to go through! ?Oh; poor baby。 I?m so


Aaron handed her the letter and she glanced at it reluctantly。

Dear Mr。 Rose; We have reviewed your application and we are very pleased to inform you of

your acceptance to Harvard University?s class of?Serena?s blue eyes were suddenly

enormous。 ?You got in! Oh baby; you got in!?

Behind them; Myrtle; the cook; walked briskly down the hall with a drooling; panting Mookie

trailing after her。 Her light yellow maid?s uniform was spattered with something orangey…red and

she looked pissed。

?Myrtle; Aaron got intoHarvard ;? Serena announced proudly。 She put her arms around her

boyfriend and gave him a squeeze。 ?Isn?t that amazing??

Myrtle was unimpressed。 She thrust Mookie?s leash at Aaron; her fleshy wrists jangling with

gold bracelets and her work…weary hands smelling of onions。 ?Better take that dog with you where

you?re going;? she chided before stomping back to the kitchen in her new white Nike tennis shoes。

Serena and Aaron grinned mischievously at each other。 ?I think this calls for a little celebration;

don?t you?? Aaron asked; his relief mutating instantaneously into cockiness。

Serena tweaked his adorable freckled nose with a slender forefinger。 ?I know where they keep

种田仙女成仙记  我,黑暗迪迦,开局沉睡三千万年  重生小智有系统  欲染玫瑰,京圈大佬一次成瘾  圣蛊  心间融化  种田了,我把家乡打造成养生圣地  愿为碎碎花  重生七零新婚夜,糙汉老公勾我心魂  积德行善方能千秋百代  和离后与前夫重生了  每次开门都到了案发现场  酒儿娘子  卡美洛领主  全球高温,囤积物资末世求生  女穿男后我靠修仙逆袭男主  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  年代文后妈改嫁后暴富了  救命,和超禁欲剑修互换身体了  夏初见易楠平是什么小说  






婚床上,他轻啄着她红透耳沿低喃要求,翻云覆雨中她几次频临崩溃,第二天一醒来面对大床上的空荡,她自己上班路上买了避孕药。  旷世婚礼,无关情爱。    他是高高在上的大总裁,霸道强势,不可一世。  她是被逼上梁山的小鸟,外表柔弱,楚楚动人。  婆家千阻万挠,为利益她睁一只眼闭一只眼,受不了就以牙还牙。  每晚床上的默契配合,一切都在掌控。    然,某天会议室里夫妻俩突然谈不拢大打出手,最终分道扬镳。  城里流言四起,传闻那天会议室里血肉模糊,傅太太因出轨被傅家赶出门。  所谓宠爱,也不过就是床笫之间。  尽管他开始回过头找她,受尽白眼,她发誓一辈子不再回头。  只是那天夜里翻来覆去的睡不着,终是吐晕在厕所里的时候。  她像是得了一场病,一场叫做傅赫的病。    我来送两瓶酒,祝你往后过的快活。他说。  我不喝酒了,谢谢你的祝福。她说。  他走上前,抬手捏住她柔若无骨的下巴不给面子?  你以后都不要来了,我怀了别人的孩子。  是吗?孩子爹是哪个狗杂种?嗯?  傅太太缓缓地抬眸  (真婚真爱,真宠真疼。)...












