


the champagne。?

Blair rode the elevator up to her family?s penthouse overlooking Central Park at Seventy…second

Street。 When the elevator doors rolled open she instantly recognized Serena?s new navy blue

cashmere pea coat flung carelessly on top of the toile Louis XVI chaise in the foyer。 It was still

hard to get used to the idea of Serena hanging out at her house when she wasn?t even home。

?Blair?? Serena?s voice echoed out of the former guest room; which now belonged to

Aaron。 ?Get in here。 Where have you been??

?Hold on;? Blair called。 She pulled off her light blue duffle coat and hung it up in the coat closet。

She didn?t really feel like explaining her drastic new look to Serena and Aaron while they were

sitting around in their underwear or something equally nauseating; but she didn?t see how she

could get out of it。 If she ignored them; they?d soon be banging her door down; bouncing up and

down on her bed; and demanding her attention like immature imbeciles。

The smell of herbal cigarette smoke wafted out into the hall。 ?Hey;? she called; standing outside

the half…opened door。

?e on in;? Aaron slurred。 After two glasses of Dom Perignon he was already tipsy。 ?We?re

having a party。?

Blair pushed open the door。 The room had been redecorated for Aaron in shades of aubergine and

cerulean; with funky fifties gray metal shutters in the windows instead of curtains and giant vinyl

beanbag chairs on the floor to lounge around on。 The woven organic hemp mat covering the

hardwood floor was littered with CD cases; puter games; DVDs; music magazines; and library

books about Jamaican Rasta culture and the evils of the meat industry。 Serena and Aaron were

sitting on the disheveled Edwardian four…poster bed; drinking champagne out of her mother?s best

crystal flutes;in their underwear ; just as Blair had predicted。 Actually; Serena was wearing one of

Aaron?s oversized hunter green BRONXDALEATHLETICT…shirts; with her white satin La Perla

panties peeking out from underneath it。

Well; at least it wasnice underwear。

Blair was about to ask what the big occasion was when Serena blurted out; ?Aaron got in! He got

into Harvard!?

Blair stared at them; bile rising in her throat。 It was hard enough to look at Serena?s gorgeous

abundance of long; pale blond hair now that her own hair was sitting in a trash can back on

Fifty…seventh Street; but the smug smile on Aaron?s annoying dreadlocked face was enough to

make her want to projectile vomit all over his stupid cruelty…free rug。

?Pull up a beanbag;? Aaron offered。 He pointed to the Harvard mug sitting on his desk。 ?That

mug?s pretty clean if you want some champagne。?

Serena waved a sheet of cream…colored paper in the air。 ?Listen to this。 ?Dear Mr。 Rose;?? she

read aloud。 ??We have reviewed your application and we are very pleased to inform you of your

每次开门都到了案发现场  种田了,我把家乡打造成养生圣地  年代文后妈改嫁后暴富了  我,黑暗迪迦,开局沉睡三千万年  救命,和超禁欲剑修互换身体了  愿为碎碎花  心间融化  重生七零新婚夜,糙汉老公勾我心魂  卡美洛领主  种田仙女成仙记  和离后与前夫重生了  重生小智有系统  圣蛊  欲染玫瑰,京圈大佬一次成瘾  积德行善方能千秋百代  女穿男后我靠修仙逆袭男主  酒儿娘子  全球高温,囤积物资末世求生  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  夏初见易楠平是什么小说  


















